5 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Recruitment

“Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” - Steve Jobs

This statement held true when Steve Jobs first said it, it held true one hundred years before that and will stay true one hundred years from now.

Here’s a fundamental truth that all business owners have to accept: the strength of your recruitment is and always will be directly related to the success of your business - if you were to draw a graph to map out the connection between the two you would see causation, not correlation.

The simple truth is this: people make businesses. The staff create the success, they don’t just contribute to it. The best way to produce the top product, to provide the best service, and to convert the best customers isn’t marketing, your brand, or your online presence - although these things are essential - it’s by having the best people around you. Teamwork really does make the dream work. Collaboration is key, and diversity creates an environment that breeds growth, development, further learning, and outside perspective - all of which are the foundations for success in business, and not just success, but domination of the space that your business occupies.

So, now you have an idea of why recruitment matters let’s dive into how you can get the most out of your recruitment strategy and what it aims to do - by outsourcing it to specialists.

1. Time

There is undeniably no currency more important than time. Time is something you can’t swap for anything, time can’t be replaced, and it can’t be restored once it’s gone. The value of time is second to none and we spend a lot of time on recruitment in business. When you consider the number of things that business owners already have to manage on a daily basis, it becomes clear that it can be next to impossible to work on talent acquisition at the same time. This problem is alleviated by a recruitment consultancy. Recruitment agencies live and breathe the recruitment process and will make the life of any business owner or hiring manager stress-free, leaving them time to focus on the other important things.

2. Resources

Recruitment consultants have access to myriad resources that allow them to put their full attention into what they do. Because recruitment is necessary to the growth and development of a business, it constitutes the need for the right resources and a lot of time spent using them. Things like recruitment licenses, job boards, LinkedIn recruiter, and networking tools are just a few examples of what recruitment consultants have access to. They make the process of finding the top talent easier and quicker, when the users know how to utilise them.

3. Service

There are many elements that make up the process of recruitment. In order to get the best results out of your efforts, and to really look after your staff and promote employee retention, you have to be mindful of the onboarding process that you provide and the aftercare that your employees receive. Not only do recruitment consultancies offer talent finding such as executive search, but they also take the time to ensure that any candidates placed in a role are thriving. Good consultants will offer help with strategy and the onboarding process, as well as the initial talent search. Great recruitment services are hard to come by but when found are invaluable.

4. Knowledge

As a hiring manager or business owner, there’s no doubt that you know your business better than anyone else - but there can be questions asked on whether you know people as well as a recruiter would. Sometimes, the best person for the role isn’t the person with the best CV or application - it could be outdated or not specific to the role they’re applying for. This is why screening processes and candidate relationship building are crucial to finding the best applicants to send forward for a position. Recruitment consultants have expert knowledge on the best questions to ask and the optimal way to speak to candidates and find out if they’re suited for a role.

5. Specialism

Ultimately, specialist recruitment consultants are unmatched. If your business operates in a niche sector or the staff you typically hire are high-level, specialist individuals - like, frontend software developers, for example - you may find that the most efficient way to hire them at volume is through a recruitment consultancy. It may be that you already have an extensive network of people looking for work, or you’ve worked in the industry that you’re looking to recruit in before. But, one thing that recruiters do better than anyone else is finding the best talent for a business, at scale, that fit the brand and culture, believe in your vision, and add something special to your team.

At Roma Black, we connect exceptional people. It’s what we’re all about.

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