Why Looking at the Green Values of Architecture Firms Matters

Based on research from the UN Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction, CO2 emissions in the built design sector fell by an estimated 10% in 2020 - to 2007 levels. This is largely thought to be a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, where there was a significant decrease in demand and the economy came to a stand-still. 

However, the position of the architecture sector in sustainable practices is extremely important during this period of economic recovery. Examples of sustainable architecture include being considerate of the use of building materials, development space, energy and the environment as a whole during development. Companies that take greener steps now rather than later will see how they thrive against competitors.

Looking to work in the field of built design? Here are some reasons why you should look out for companies that are proactive, transparent and proud about sustainability.

They will gain a stronger brand reputation and a loyal client base

The phrase ‘vote with your wallet’ has never been more relevant, where consumers continue to factor in the ethical and social practices of a company when considering whether to go into business with them. And they can smell ‘greenwashing’ a mile away too - presenting the idea that a company is environmentally responsible when in reality they do more harm than good.

One Nielsen study found that 81% of global consumers feel strongly that companies should help improve the environment, showing that it’s no longer just a bonus but a necessity that companies make sustainability a priority. Architecture firms that take active steps to be more sustainable in their work show the empathy they have not only for the planet but also for the future of their industry. Consumers will recognise and appreciate this, building a stronger connection with the ethics of the company and being more likely to stick with them against competitors.

They will have a competitive advantage against other companies

Sustainable products and practices increase the value of a company’s property and assets, giving businesses a competitive advantage against competitors. Clear plans on incorporating sustainability also attract more finance options from investors, as well as the opportunity to take advantage of government funds and subsidies (such as the Climate Change Levy).

Consumers, investors and partners alike use a business’ environmental impact as a measure of its success. Those that are socially conscious of their environmental impact have a significant advantage over others who haven’t jumped on the opportunity. 

They will incur fewer long-term costs

Architecture firms who make the decision now to incorporate a green business plan show their ability to make wise, long-term financial decisions. For example, in reducing the amount of water or energy used in the development, not only is the business reducing their carbon footprint but also the amount they’re paying out as a business. Equally, as governments continue to improve and implement their climate strategies, more policies will become mandated for businesses to follow. Putting in the work to implement these strategies now means that the business will not have to rip up their existing work and plans to integrate the new policies, which is cost-effective and time-consuming. 

Businesses that recognise the economic benefits of choosing to be environmentally-conscious show their ability to think strategically in terms of finances, highlighting the ability of the company as a whole.


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